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1 : 1 online Mentorship Program


Work with me through a program that is made for your specific needs


These tailor-made sessions will be adapted to your unique situation and we will work together towards an intention, a desired outcome.

I will teach techniques that can be used to harness more inner peace, balance, physical and spiritual well-being.


My clients are people who are in a moment of their lives when they need support to find their centre, balance in order to continue growing spiritually and harness health in the body.

We all have moments in our lives when we need to be seen for who we really are and connect with our essence, while being held in  a non-judgemental space.

I work with people who are committed to their growth, open-minded, ready to take inspired action and consciously choose to heal.

When we create space for our own healing and growth, we give ourselves the gift of our own attention. This attention brings more energy into our system that will allow us to call our power back.


You will be able to hold me accountable for creating a safe, sacred space. I will help you to connect with your own power, creativity and magic.


The package:

During this period (max 3 months) we will meet 8 times through video calls. Each session lasts 60 minutes.

We will set the session's dates together.

You will receive exercises to practice and support via watsapp between calls.


How does the Mentorship Program look like?


1. We will start your mentorship program with a Human Design reading, to understand your potential better.This will make you feel validated and seen. We will also look into your conditioning, the roles you have forced yourself into because you felt you were supposed to be like "this and that". Now you can release the false expectations to leave space for what is about to emerge.


2. We will connect with your higher-self to receive a vision of your highest expression through a drum journey. This potent vision will give you direction.


3. Then you learn how to remove blocks, fears and false beliefs with a powerful method that can be used as a daily practice and meditation. We can remove limitations, create new neural pathways that is just a nerdy way of saying that we are not lifelong prisoners of our habits: we can create new ones by choice, that serve us and our loved ones better.


4. I will support you while you find your power - you will connect with your totem animal, that is the expression of the archetype of your true nature in your subconscious mind: by recognising your power animal you connect with your own power. That's when you become unstoppable.


5. An important part of the overall wellbeing is being connected to the body and create the feeling of safety: this way our nervous system learns to relax and we can be present and responsive, instead of being reactive.


6. We will do shadow work together, to integrate all parts of you that might be repressed and keep you away from feeling whole.

To step into our full potential, we have to hold all parts of ourselves kindly, only to realise that often the parts of us we shy away from are our biggest talents.


7. 2nd part of shadow work - soul retrieval drum journey to call every piece of our soul back, that got stuck somewhere in the past.


8. Surprise channelled message from your guides!


Earth based practices have been used since the dusk of humanity. We are living the renaissance of these ancient techniques that help us to remember our origins, connect with our roots.

Shamanic practices have been used everywhere on Earth, these techniques are our common heritage as humans.


During these sessions one journeys deeply into their inner world to find answers in the unconscious, heal the body, understand the messages of their dreams and receive guidance from their spiritual allies, totem and spirit animals, Soul Family or the Angelic Realms.


I may use a shamanic drum, singing, whistling or a rattle to achieve the best result.




What my clients say after having completed the program:





Mia M.

“Judit literally saved my life. Thanks to years of ignoring PTSD, my entire nervous system was completely deregulated and the next step would have been harsh pharmaceuticals. With Judit's help, I managed to get back into a stable starting position completely without medication within half a year - which is considered impossible in the conventional medical literature. Sometimes God sends us angels in human form.”

Dana T.

"Wanted to let you know that yesterday, I actually realized that after our last session when we worked on my anxieties, helped tremendously  - it occurred to me that I don't experience it as before."

Judit Z.

"Working with Judit was a real healing journey and beautiful human connection. She has a large set of tools to connect you with your heart, soul and centre. She has a very gentle personality and keeps the space sacred even at distance. Working remotely in therapy was an absolute satisfaction and I could completely emerge in the process. She has full capacity and competence to guide you through in really deep processes and help you to find your centre. We did multiple kind of breathing and visualisation techniques during our sessions and I am able to continue practice them by my own. She is caring, loving, approachable and very knowledgeable. Thank you so much for being present for me and help me to grow."



Judit appeared in my life just at the right moment. I guess that is a part of the journey too, finding the perfect guide at the perfect time .

From our very first phone call I felt so held and listened to. There was also a sense of an expanded space of all possibility opening up after our conversation . This really energised and motivated me to take the step into my transformation .

The 5 sessions were exactly that, a deeply transformative experience . Within and between sessions I felt Judit’s energies elevating my own and it was like she always saw the real, powerful me that perhaps I was not seeing. She held up the mirror of my possibility.

The art therapy , drumming, visualisations and insightful coaching were all woven together with love, wisdom and high vibrational energy. Each week I felt another layer shifting, another old pattern dissolving.

It felt so natural, so healing and very grounded in my daily life.
After the 5th session I had so much compassion for my old self and could see that I had entered the chrysalis and emerged as the butterfly.

I feel so blessed to have found Judit and so blessed that we as women can help each other rise and rise again .

Monika L.

A truly wonderful experience

I have just finished the mentorship program with Judit, and wow, what a magical ride it has been. I was following her via different platforms the last couple of years and I felt connected to her from the beginning even though we never met personally. Due to major changes in my life I knew I would reach out to her but I always delayed it. Then I got to a point where I felt I totally lost connection  to my true self and I couldnt function anymore. The sessions were magical and so powerful that I am still processing it but I can already say that I managed to release lots of baggage and blockages and I feel uplifted on all levels: physically, emotionally and spiritually. She showed me techniques to reach my balance  and inner peace and how to keep them. We went on two drum journeys to find my totem animal and heal generational trauma. I can't out in words yet how I felt as it's still so intense and raw, but I have learnt about myself and how to live my life in a true authentic way like never before. She is a skilled healer, facilitates a deeply moving and nurturing healing experience where I felt safe from the very beginning.I highly recommend her. Thank you!

As we journey together through this process, you will receive the healing you need this time.


At the end of the program you will feel stronger, wiser, calmer and at peace.


Investment: :

799 EUR


For more details please contact me and book a free discovery call:

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