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Human Design Reading

If you are on this page it is because maybe you already heard of Human Design, could be that you even pulled out your Bodygraph and felt quite confused about it, or you want to deepen your understanding in what you already know.



Either way, you will receive a reading that suits YOU, to be able to absorb and integrate the information you need this time to live by your design, to feel aligned, light and powerful at the same time. You will be more successful, more peaceful and joyous as you start to walk your authentic path.


You will let go of conditioning that is not in harmony with your soul's blueprint.


My approach to Human Design is therapeutical. I will help you to unlock certain blocks in your life, patterns that are not serving your best interest anymore. You have learned the lesson and now you are ready to step forward, feeling lighter and more like the real YOU.


When I first learned about Human Design, and had my profile done, I was mind-blown and relieved at the same time.

Imagine a lifetime of inner knowing that suddenly has been all validated!

I suddenly felt seen and understood like never before.

First I started paying more attention on how I use my energy according my design. I immediately felt more relaxed, more creative, in a state of flow and possibility, instead of tiredness and struggle.

Then I observed how I can manifest and create (this is a big one since we’re all sooooo conditioned to be something we are often not!!!)

Then I started to dig deeper and deeper and I loved how HD was linking together my work as a therapist who works with the body to release trauma, how I could use shamanic practices to help the de-conditioning process one goes through once they know their design.

And I finally understood what my purpose is and how I can embody that purpose gracefully and with ease.


I cannot see a better way to start a very very deep inner journey to self-discovery to come out the other side feeling more authentic, present, aware and serene.

I am so so grateful for this tool and that I gave in and checked it out even if I thought at the beginning it was just another new age wowoo. Well, it turns out, it isn’t. It’s very necessary information in our time of great transformation.

I highly recommend to get your reading done and for those you love too. It will help to understand each other deeper.

And when it comes to parenting….I cannot say how much I learned from my own child. Even if I knew and felt many things intuitively, HD really put things in new perspective.

It is also one of the best presents to give in my opinion to someone you love.



Frequently Asked Questions


Why is the reading only 90 minutes?


The HD reading contains an immense amount of information. It is not easy to process all of it at once. My experience showed me that it is better to share less, but empathise the things that really matter at a certain point of our life and it is much more useful to come back for another reading once the first session is digested and it properly landed. You see, I speak 6 languages and I feel HD is my 7th language, and I know how to translate it in a way that it will be understood. This is why my readings are more economical, because I'd like to give to opportunity for a second reading upon request.



Will I receive written information?


No. As the reading is done in the moment, I connect to your energy field and bring forward the information you need to hear, using the words that need to be said so you really get the message. However, you can record the reading, making sure that you can listen it back as many times as you need it.


Do you recommend a reading for parents about their children?


Oh, YES. Sharing my own experience here: It really put some pieces of my son's personality together, the way he reacts to emotions, the way he can be triggered and what are his most basic needs. HD gave me the explanation I needed to satisfy my cognitive process, as all I had was intuition regarding parenthood and it was a great way to validate my son's personality and accept his ways even deeper. It helps immensely in family dynamics. I can wholeheartedly say that knowing my son's design helped me to release certain expectations around him and he feels more seen.

Knowing our children's design helps us to release tension in our relationship, to support them the way they need to be supported. The less conditioned they are the more they can shine their light brightly.



To book a 90 min session with me, please send an email to


Investment: 105 EUR

Either way, you will receive a reading that suits YOU, to be able to absorb and integrate the information you need this time to live by your design, to feel aligned, light and powerful at the same time. You will be more successful, more peaceful and joyous as you start to walk your authentic path.


You will let go of conditioning that is not in harmony with your soul's blueprint.


My approach to Human Design is therapeutical. I will help you to unlock certain blocks in your life, patterns that are not serving your best interest any more. You have learned the lesson and now you are ready to step forward, feeling lighter and more like the real YOU.


When I first learned about Human Design, and had my profile done, I was mind-blown and relieved at the same time.

Imagine a lifetime of inner knowing that suddenly has been all validated!

I suddenly felt seen and understood like never before.

First I started paying more attention on how I use my energy according my design. I immediately felt more relaxed, more creative, in a state of flow and possibility, instead of tiredness and struggle.

Then I observed how I can manifest and create (this is a big one since we’re all sooooo conditioned to be something we are often not!!!)

Then I started to dig deeper and deeper and I loved how HD was linking together my work as a therapist who works with the body to release trauma, how I could use shamanic practices to help the de-conditioning process one goes through once they know their design.

And I finally understood what my purpose is and how I can embody that purpose gracefully and with ease.


I cannot see a better way to start a very very deep inner journey to self-discovery to come out the other side feeling more authentic, present, aware and serene.

I am so so grateful for this tool and that I gave in and checked it out even if I thought at the beginning it was just another new age woo-woo. Well, it turns out, it isn’t. It’s very necessary information in our time of great transformation.

I highly recommend to get your reading done and for those you love too. It will help to understand each other deeper.

And when it comes to parenting…I cannot say how much I learned from my own child. Even if I knew and felt many things intuitively, HD really put things in new perspective.

It is also one of the best presents to give in my opinion to someone you love.



Frequently Asked Questions



Why is the reading only 90 minutes?


The HD reading contains an immense amount of information. It is not easy to process all of it at once. My experience showed me that it is better to share less, but empathise the things that really matter at a certain point of our life and it is much more useful to come back for another reading once the first session is digested and it properly landed. You see, I speak 6 languages and I feel HD is my 7th language, and I know how to translate it in a way that it will be understood. This is why my readings are more economical, because I'd like to give to opportunity for a second reading upon request.



Will I receive written information?


No. As the reading is done in the moment, I connect to your energy field and bring forward the information you need to hear, using the words that need to be said so you really get the message. However, you will receive a recording of reading, so you can listen it back as many times as you need it.



Do you recommend a reading for parents about their children?


Oh, YES. Sharing my own experience here: It really put some pieces of my son's personality together, the way he reacts to emotions, the way he can be triggered and what are his most basic needs. HD gave me the explanation I needed to satisfy my cognitive process, as all I had was intuition regarding parenthood and it was a great way to validate my son's personality and accept his ways even deeper. It helps immensely in family dynamics. I can wholeheartedly say that knowing my son's design helped me to release certain expectations around him and he feels more seen.

Knowing our children's design helps us to release tension in our relationship, to support them the way they need to be supported. The less conditioned they are the more they can shine their light brightly.



To book a 90 min session with me, please send an email to


Investment: 199 EUR

What do my clients say about their readings?

"The HDR experience with Judit was amazing,. her kind, thoughtful and approachable energy is clearly aligned with the mission she fulfils through her work. With a natural way with people, she took me on a journey back to myself. She is gentle while being impactful and straight to the point, clearly intuitive, the session was fluid and it felt like she had known me for my whole life. I recognised myself in all she shared, her humour, honesty and numerous examples helped to put things in perspective. I can only recommend, thank you so much, Judit!"


Chiara A.

“An inspiring chat with Judit. Realising things about myself and hearing details that made a lot of sense. Pieces of the puzzle slid into place and I came away from the meeting feeling great. Interesting and engaging, with great care and detail explained. It was a lovely experience sitting down with a special human and gaining some of her knowledge on the subject.

I would recommend to anyone wanting to touch base with themselves and reignite that flame that is unique to your design.

Thank you”



"HD reading with Judit was such a great thing and the best present to myself. She gives a lot of important information, even feels like a user guide to yourself. It helped me to understand many aspects about me and since then I live my life with more confidence and consciousness. It's not like she says what you should do or who you should love, but it's about your essence in this world and how you could benefit the most of it. Judit, with all my heart I thank you so much for your guidance! Your energy, sofness and sweetness adds up for the whole experience. Keep walking this path to help and heal! AHO!"


Veronika K.

"Judit gave me my human design reading and I am so grateful for her talent. She has given me an insight into my life that I never knew about before and helped me to clarify alot of things. Thankyou for your knowledge and passion for sharing."


Lucy V.

"The HD reading with Judit is like checking the coordinates of your inner map in your life - and apart from being a badass intuitive soul, she's that bruja blanca you want to have at your back. Thanks my love, I'm double happy today: first for the session we had, affirming with words my inner knowledge and secondly for You, to witness you to shine your light and wisdom."


Anna S.

"I really enjoyed my reading. I always find it refreshing to have deeper insight into why we are the way we are and then be given reassurance we aren't just crazy but that's simply how we are made to be...and there's no right or wrong in that. Judit helps put it all in terms you can understand and I walked away feeling a deeper connection to myself."


Mikel C.

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